Saturday, August 13, 2011

Green-y Stuff with Lemons

#1. I am still that idealistic mama I was 20 years ago when Eldest Daughter was born
#2. with the internet it is even easier to figure out how to do some of this stuff
#3. with shifts in thinking, more of the green stuff is readily available for purchase
#4. now I know how to knit, crochet, Afghan stitch = now I can make more things
#5. now the kids are more able to help out with this stuff


What am I raving about? Green stuff, DIY stuff, using less chemicals, saving money. When my daughters were little & I was younger, I rarely bought anything I could make - from pasta to stuffed animals. I started this blog a while back with the intention of chronicling my return to being "green" {as it's called now}. When I was younger, I was that "crazy hippy chick mama." I was a few steps behind the actual hippies, many steps ahead of today & definitely dancing to my own tune in the neighborhood where we lived.

My current projects are small, use lemons, but are simple & money saving {and maybe even money making!}.

We have a lemon tree which makes more than enough lemons to keep us in lemonade, so I have been using lemons to clean the house. Like actually cut a lemon in half, hand one to Little Dude and we wash down the cupboards & the floor with it. We were fostering a Mama Dog Lab and her litter of 7. Our back yard is ALL dirt. We live in a dust bowl. The lower kitchen cupboards and walls got dirt-ee. Wiping them down with lemons not only cleaned the dirt but made the house smell better than 7 puppies did. I even used cut up lemons to add to puppy bath time to help get rid of fleas they picked up being away for a weekend and then used a few more to clean the tub after their most recent bath.

For the floors, we would squeeze a lemon on to a particularly yucky spot of tile before using our $wiffer to clean it up. Ah, the $wiffer - a money sucking tool if ever there was one. But Eldest Daughter loves hers & since it is her job I have to make concessions. Now there are a million crocheted and knitted patterns for covers for these on-line, but not a single one for Afghan stitch, which I prefer when making wash cloths & dish cloths. So I have designed one! I completed the cotton one for mopping & am half-way finished with the acrylic one for sweeping. I will be taking pictures soon so I can post them in an Etsy store and sell them. Save AND make money!!!

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