Tuesday, August 16, 2011

a card a day ~ parenting by the cards : )

Queen of Cups

"A beautiful, loving woman, intuitive, and yet practical, too. Happy marriage, vision."
"At music, poetry, mothering and artistry, no one can compete with her - in everything else she is mediocre, at best."

I guess pulling a card that can be seen as a Mother is a good way to start this off. And it i s true; I feel best in these arenas - when we get into "real world" stuff, I can excel but I tend to falter as they are not my true homes.

I am an amazing retail manager, but it makes me nuts. I always wish there was a way in this society mothers got treated proportionally to the actual job we do. Hell, we should be paid - I don't know by whom, but what we do every minute of every day of childhood IS valuable & we shouldn't be forced to struggle to have outside of the home jobs so we can provide for our children as well as be the ones providing for them. I guess this was what marriage was for, back in the day; to ensure Mama was able to be home with the brood.

"When she appears in reference to an aspect of your own personality, the Queen of Cups should be taken as a suggestion to think carefully about how you use the vast stores of spiritual wisdom you have access to all the time."

I don't use it as much as I could, or should. As a single mother I get so caught up in making sure we survive, have food, housing, some sense of stability and nowadays security from abusive people. I really wish for my children there was a Hogwart's - if for no other reason than to be taught about those other things on the other side of the veil.

My dream would be to have nothing else to worry about but raising my children; teaching them lessons of History, Literature, Herbal Lore, about Life Cycles in the garden & Botany thru the plants we grew. I'd teach them how to make bread, discussing yeast and how to lives and what chemical reactions take place in a simple loaf of bread from beginning to end. In doing that, I could also teach them more about the spiritual side of things, not just what we need to learn to pass tests & "grow up."

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